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Our Story

Who we are

We are early childhood experts, a local WA family, who have been running early learning facilities for the past 25-years. We have grown, along with the children in our care, to a place of profound appreciation and understanding for the magic that is early childhood.

A time of so much potential, that serves great purpose for laying the foundation from which these wonderful individuals will grow. Creativity, freedom of expression and child-led explorative play are at the centre of everything we do. We believe the minds of children are wonderous and need little in the way of moulding.

Early Learning Educational Instructor with Child
Ladybird Illustration

A tree does not grow in isolation

You start life as a tiny seed, something so small and yet so powerful, something so important to so many. From there, your roots, the foundation from which all will grow, take hold.

The environment in which you grow, must be nourishing, supportive, and provide you with all that you need to flourish from seed, to seedling. A time in which nurturing, and support are imperative, as you understand the environment in which you are planted and begin to make sense of it for yourself.​From seedling, to sapling, you begin to settle. To grow stronger, taller, more resilient. A sense of independence and a rapid acquisition of new branches and leaves. But in order to make this monumental leap, you need consistent and reliable input from your environment. Each and every sapling, needs nutrients and protection, in order to thrive and grow from sapling to tree. The aim is forever not to merely survive, but to thrive. To grow tall.