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Tag Sports video launched

We are excited to announce the launch of our TAG Sports video, showcasing the powerful and impactful Sports Program we have developed across our OSHC services (and soon to be Early Learning Services).

You can watch the video on YouTube here:

TAG Sports is a unique sports program exclusively crafted by The Atlantis Group. It has been developed using the principles from SportAUS and the Physical Literacy Framework.

TAG Sports is committed to fostering a positive relationship with physical activity, building skills, confidence and resilience in our children to encourage movement for life.

With a focus on popular and fundamental sports, our Sport Programs utilise movement and physical activities to develop core competencies during a child’s formative years. By doing so, it equips them with crucial life skills such as problem-solving, communication and emotional regulation that are essential for both school and adulthood. Our sport programs have been specifically tailored for children up to the age of 12 with sports rotating every three weeks, allowing children the opportunity to develop and refine their skills across a range of sports.

TAG Sports has already proven to be a big success since being integrated into our weekly programs across our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services this year and we are looking forward to rolling the program out to our Early Learning Centres soon.